Privacy & Cookies Policy

Information provided by the Associazione SMED Scrivere a Mano nell’Era Digitale pursuant to and for the purposes of the articles 13 and 14 EU Reg. 679/2016 - GDPR

    a. Application scope privacy policy
    b. Data Controller
    c. Place of processing
    d. legal basis of the processing
    a. Navigation data
    b. Cookies - cookies used by this website - options to navigate without cookies
    c. Data provided voluntarily by the User / Interested party
    d. Mode of treatment
    e. Security measures




a. Scope of the privacy policy application

In compliance with EU Regulation 679/2016-GDPR, the Associazione SMED Scrivere a Mano nell’Era Digitale provides the necessary information regarding the purposes and methods of processing personal data to those who consult the pages of the website .
It should be noted that the information is to be considered valid and refers only to this website and not to any others that can be consulted through links and links, for which we ask you, instead, to view the respective privacy information.
The purpose of the privacy policy is to offer maximum transparency regarding the purposes and methods of use of personal data collected by the site.

b. Data Controller

Pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 24 GDPR, the Data Controller is the association

SMED Scrivere a Mano nell’Era Digitale, in the person of the President Daniela Moretto, based in Via Sottocastello n. 60, 37142 Verona (VR) Italy, P.I. n. 04425910231. Mail:

c. Place of processing

The data collected by the website are processed electronically or in any case automated, at the headquarters of the Data Controller, and at the webhosting datacenters. In this regard, we inform Users that the hosting of this website is provided by the company:

ARUBA S.P.A. with headquarters in Via San Clemente n. 53 - 24036, Ponte San Pietro (Bergamo, Italy), Tax Code 04552920482 and VAT number 01573850516, which, processing data on behalf of the Data Controllers, is responsible for processing and whose servers hosting the website are located in Milan and Arezzo (Italy), and Kties (Czech Republic) within the European Economic area, subject to the same GDPR.

d. Legal basis of the processing

We inform you that the data processing is based on the provisions of art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a) EU Reg. 679/2016.
The website therefore treats the data on the basis of the User's consent and will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency. With the use or consultation of this website, visitors and users explicitly approve this privacy statement and consent to the processing of their personal data in relation to the methods and purposes described below.
The provision of data and therefore the consent to their collection is optional, the User can deny consent and can always revoke the consent previously provided. However, denying consent may result in the inability to provide certain services and the browsing experience on the site may be compromised.




a) Navigation Data

Regarding only aspects of a technical nature and protocols, we wish to inform you that:
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website may acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the Users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (good purpose, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the User's computer environment.
These data can be used to ascertain any liability in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

b) Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are sent from the website visited on the User's device (usually to the browser), where they are stored so that they can recognize this device at the next visit. In fact, at each subsequent visit, cookies are sent back to the site by the user's device.
Each cookie generally contains: the name of the server from which the cookie was sent, the deadline and a value, usually a unique number randomly generated by the computer. The server of the website that transfers the cookie uses this number to recognize the User when he returns to visit a site or navigates from one page to another.
Cookies can be installed not only by the same site manager visited by the user (first-party cookies), but also by a different site that installs cookies through the first site (third-party cookies) and is able to recognize them. This happens because the site visited may contain elements (images, maps, sounds, links to web pages of other domains, etc.) that reside on servers other than the one of the site visited.

In general, cookies are classified into different types based on:

  • A. Duration: session cookie (temporary) automatically canceled when the browser is closed. persistent cookie active until its expiration date or its cancellation by the user.
  • B. Provenance: first-party cookies sent to the browser directly from the site you are visiting; third-party cookies sent to the browser from other sites and not from the site you are visiting.
  • C. Purpose

Technical cookies
Navigation / indispensable / performance / process or security cookie contributes to the operation of the site, for example it gives the possibility to browse through the pages or access protected areas. If it is blocked, the site cannot function properly.
Functionality / preference / location / session cookie allows to store information that changes the behavior or appearance of the site (preferred language, size of texts and characters, geographical area where you are). If it is blocked, the experience is less functional but not compromised.
Statistical / analytic cookie a) first-party or b) third-party with IP masking, without data crossing (similar to technical cookie for purpose), it is used to collect information and generate website usage statistics to understand how visitors interact.

Non-technical cookies
Third-party statistical / analytic cookie without IP masking, crossing data, is used to collect information, generate usage statistics, with possible identification and tracking of the user of the website, in order to understand how visitors interact.
Profiling / advertising / advertising / tracking or conversion cookies for advertising selection based on what is relevant to a user (personalized ads). Profiling cookies are aimed at creating user profiles and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the user in the context of web browsing.

The Associazione SMED Scrivere a Mano nell’Era Digitale has implemented the obligations provided by the Provision of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data – Individuazione delle modalità semplificate per l'informativa e l'acquisizione del consenso per l'uso dei cookie - 8 maggio 2014 (published in the Gazzetta Uficiale No. 126, 3 June 2014), as well as by subsequent interventions by the Guarantor Authority regarding "cookies".

Cookies used by this website

Below are all the information on the cookies installed through this site, and the necessary information on how to manage Users' preferences regarding them.
The Associazione SMED Scrivere a Mano nell’Era Digitale wishes to inform Users that the site may use the following types of cookies:

  • Technical First Party Cookies, necessary for the proper functioning of our website and which do not require the consent of the User.
  • Third-Party Technical Cookies that do not require User consent.

In any case, no non-technical cookie for statistical purposes or for collecting information on the User is present on the
website .

Options for browsing without cookies

As an example:
Block third-party cookies: third-party cookies are generally not indispensable for browsing, so it is possible to reject them by default, through specific functions of your browser.
Activate the Do Not Track option: the Do Not Track option is present in most browsers of the latest generation. Websites designed to comply with this option, when activated, should automatically stop collecting some browsing data. As mentioned, however, not all websites are set up to comply with this option (discretionary).
Activate the "anonymous browsing" mode: using this function it is possible to navigate without leaving a trace in the browser of the navigation data. The sites will not remember the User, the pages that are visited will not be stored in the history and the new cookies will be deleted. The anonymous browsing function does not guarantee, however, anonymity on the Internet, because it serves only to not maintain the browsing data in the browser, while instead its navigation data will continue to remain available to website managers and connectivity providers.
Delete cookies directly: there are special functions to do this in all browsers. It should be remembered, however, that new cookies are downloaded for each Internet connection, so the deletion should be performed periodically. If desired, some browsers offer automated systems for periodically deleting cookies.

For any further need for further information on the subject of the so-called "cookies", it is advisable to consult the following link:
Furthermore, to know how to limit, block and / or remove cookies set on your device, we recommend that you visit the following link:
As previously mentioned, the User can manage his own cookie preferences also through his browser. To know the type and version of browser you are using, it is advisable to click on "Help"; in the browser window at the top, from which you can access all the necessary information. If, on the other hand, you know the type and version of your browser, just click on the link corresponding to the browser you are using to access the cookie management page.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


Finally, for more information on how to manage cookies, we recommend that you visit the following web pages:


c) Data provided voluntarily by the User / Interested party.

The Associazione SMED Scrivere a Mano nell’Era Digitale reminds you that the purpose of this website is to freely gather support for the campaign/petition aimed at safeguarding handwriting in the digital age. Therefore, by joining the petition, also known as the "signature", the data communicated voluntarily by the User, including name, surname, nationality, and possibly also his email address, will be transferred to the Associazione SMED Scrivere a Mano nell’Era Digitale, that will treat the list of signatories in a responsible manner, according to the GDPR forecasts.
The name, surname, and nationality of the signatories will be made public on the site and will therefore be available to anyone.
This gives authority to the petition and encourages the signing of other users.
In the event that the User also communicates his email address, he agrees to be contacted by the Data Controller, or by third parties who promote and support the same petition, exclusively to be informed and updated on the progress of the same. In any case, the email address will not be made public in any way on the website.
It should be noted that, in no section of the site, nor for access to any site functionality, is required to provide "special categories of personal data" and / or "personal data relating to criminal convictions and crimes", as defined art. 9 and 10 of the EU Regulation 679/2016. The Data Controller cannot therefore be held responsible for data entered voluntarily by the User and not requested by the appropriate forms.
In general, as regards the data voluntarily provided by the User, we wish to inform that the EU Regulation 679/2016 and the Legislative Decree 196/2003 as compatible provide for the protection of natural persons with respect to the processing of personal data. According to this legislation, this treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your privacy and your rights.

Pursuant to the aforementioned article 14 of the EU Regulation 679/2016 and Legislative Decree 196/2003 as compatible, we therefore provide you with the following information:


d) Processing methods

The processing that the Data Controller may perform will be carried out through an
automated process and / or collection of paper documentation
the User is free to provide his own data by completing the relevant forms on the site;
failure or incorrect conferment of some data may, depending on the case, make it impossible to carry out the activities requested by the User
(for example, to be kept up to date on the progress of the petition by email contact).
The User's personal data will be
processed by persons specifically appointed by the data controller as data controllers and / or by anyone acting under his authority
and having access to personal data; these subjects will treat your data only when necessary in relation to the purpose of the transfer and only in the performance of the tasks assigned to them by the Data Controller, undertaking to treat only the data necessary for the performance of these tasks and to perform only the operations necessary for their performance.
Furthermore, in the sole case in which the User provides his e-mail address, he agrees to the communication to third parties that promote and support the same petition, of his personal data by the Data Controller for the sole purpose of being updated about developments and progress of the signed petition.
Finally, it should be noted that the data controller may use internal or external computer technicians for occasional maintenance, updating or assistance, in the event of malfunctioning, of the website.
According to the art. 29 of the REG. EU 679/2016, the Data Controller may use anyone acting under his authority and / or the appointed manager; these subjects will be duly instructed.
The Data Controller has not designated the D.P.O. (art. 37 of EU Regulation 679/2016 and WP Guidelines article 29 of 13.12.2016), as a figure not necessary in this case, given that the characteristics of the treatments do not fall within the cases referred to in the aforementioned article 37.
No data deriving from the web service will, however, be communicated or disseminated outside the association except as provided above.
The data communications described above are strictly connected to the normal operation of the association in the management of the relationship and are strictly necessary for the purposes for which the data were provided;

  • c1) the Owner could transfer personal data to a third country or an international organization; in these cases the Data Controller undertakes to carry out the processing only in the presence of appropriate guarantees;
  • c2) in compliance with the Provision “Misure e accorgimenti prescritti ai titolari dei trattamenti effettuati con strumenti elettronici relativamente alle attribuzioni delle funzioni di amministratore di sistema - 27 novembre 2008” (Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 300, 24 December 2008) and related additions and modifications, the data controller has appointed specific System Administrators who, as part of their duties, will be able to access, even indirectly, services or systems that process or allow the processing of personal information.

Your personal data will not be disclosed.

The data will be kept for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were provided, to fulfill the legitimate requests of the User, as well as legal obligations and to resolve any disputes, as well as for any purpose connected to the petition signed in compliance with this privacy policy. The data will be stored in a form that allows the identification of the data subject for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed, after which, unless expressly confirmed by the interested party, will be deleted, save their transformation into anonymous form.
The personal data provided will not be processed in order to carry out an automated decision-making process (i.e. profiling).
In the event that the personal data provided should be processed for purposes other than those indicated above, the Data Controller will provide you with information regarding this different purpose and any other pertinent information.


e) Safety measures

The Data Controller, taking into account the state of the art and the implementation costs as well as the nature, the scope of application, the context and the purposes of the processing both at the time of determining the means of processing and at the time of processing (i.e. risk analysis - accountability), has put in place adequate technical and organizational measures, aimed at effectively implementing the data protection principles and integrating into the processing the necessary guarantees in order to meet the requirements of EU Regulation 679/2016 and protect the rights of the data subject.
The data will be processed using methods and instruments that guarantee security (articles 24, 25 and 32 of the EU Regulation 679/2016) and will be carried out through an automated process and through non-automated means (paper archives), to which all will be applied the technical and organizational measures aimed at guaranteeing a level of security adequate to the risk, so as to ensure on a permanent basis, their confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the treatment systems and services (by way of example but not exhaustive: checks on both assignment of tasks to the subjects in charge of data processing rather than to the classification of the data itself, if sustainable, pseudonymisation and encryption procedures, etc.).



The Data Controller also informs that:

the interested party has the right to request the Data Controller access to his personal data and the correction or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing that concern him or to oppose their treatment in addition to the right to data portability (articles 15 , 16, 17, 18, and 20 of the EU Regulation 679/2016); with the exercise of the right of access, the interested party has the right to obtain from the holder the confirmation that the processing of personal data concerning him is being processed, while the exercise of the right to portability allows the interested party to obtain from the data controller the personal data in a structured format, for common and legible use, or the transfer of said data from the original holder of the treatment to another (see WP 242 of 13.12.2016);

the interested party has the right, in the event that the processing is based on article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) or on article 9, paragraph 2, letter a), to revoke the consent at any time without jeopardizing the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;

the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;

the interested party has the right to become aware, by the Data Controller, that he must do so without justified delay, of a violation of personal data likely to present a high risk for the rights and freedoms of natural persons (art. 34 EU REGULATION 679/2016).

The full text of the articles of the REG. EU 679/2016 relating to your rights (articles 15 to 23 inclusive) can be consulted at any time on the following link on the website of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data:
or, alternatively, they will be provided by the Data Controller upon your simple request, by sending a communication to the addresses indicated above.



The data controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy & Cookies Policy, at any time, by notifying Users on this page. We therefore ask Users to consult this page frequently, taking as a reference the date of last modification indicated at the bottom.
In the event of any updates or changes to this document, Users will be placed in a position to understand and evaluate the changes made, by comparing the various versions of the information that may have occurred over time, as the previous versions of the document will still be available for consultation by the Users on the website.
In the event of non-acceptance of the changes made to this privacy statement, the User is required to cease using this website and request the data controller to delete his or her personal data by sending a specific communication to the data controller, to the addresses indicated above.
Unless otherwise specified, this Privacy & Cookies Policy will continue to apply to the personal data collected up to that point.
In the case of questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy statement, we ask Users to contact us at the following e-mail address:

In any case, we invite Users to report any difficulties encountered in viewing this Privacy & Cookies Policy, in order to possibly arrange alternative information methods.

Date of last modification: 21 July 2021
See previous version

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